Building Your Business With Survey Software
Anyone who cares about their business has to use a good quality survey software program.
You have to know what your customers or potential customers are thinking in order to improve on your business, or create products and services you know they want to purchase.
Just guessing at what potential customers want is risky in business, and a surefire way to lose money.
Several years ago I came across Survey Gizmo which is survey software. WordPress must have mentioned it because this is the company they use and as they say, the rest is history.
I started to use it, and hands down it’s much better than Survey Monkey, not to mention they are a lot nicer there.
I had a very negative experience with Survey Monkey years ago which I never forgot. The owner or whoever I dealt with there was nasty. So I shied away from them and survey software altogether, and hadn’t really thought about surveys until recently when I was taking a business course that pointed out that we, as entrepreneurs, HAVE to get inside our clients’ or non-clients’ heads. Giving out surveys is one great way to do that.
Survey Gizmo is CONSTANTLY upgrading the software and they take our suggestions VERY seriously which is very rare for any company to do.
In fact, they have grown so much, at the time I wrote this post up, they had just brought in a new VP of Sales and Business Development. Someone who had 15 years experience being a netrepreneur.
I don’t even use most of their features such as data collection, polls, questionnaires, web forms, quizzes and landing pages for marketing. I basically stick to the surveys and use them for market research, customer service, as well as to figure out what my clients need.
I already have tons of surveys created and they are out there online collecting data both on my sites and blogs.
I even use their survey software to complete a sale, so if I have to ask questions to complete the sale, I use Survey Gizmo so I don’t have to get a programmer to create a new form for me.
They even have a free package, but after analyzing the other packages, I had to get the Pro Account.
Let me know what you think!
Hi all,
Just so you know, Survey Gizmo is really moving forward with their survey software. I’m using it more & more now & as I come up with ways for you to use it for your business, I’ll list them here:
1. Quizzes
2. Polls
3. Employee Satisfaction or Engagement Surveys
4. Questionnaires for new clients (if they order & you need to collect information from them in order to process their order)
I’ll add more to this list in the future.
Happy Holidays & Happy New Year Everyone!